Businesses in the Purple Line Corridor

Goal: Diverse, locally established businesses thrive during and after the construction period.
  • Prepare an economic development strategy
  • Support existing businesses and foster new business creation
  • Support organizations that promote small and local business prosperity
  • Create environments that support small, locally established businesses
  • Minimize business disruption during construction
  • Provide specialized assistance to businesses before, during and after construction

Largest no. of Jobs



Largest Change in Total Jobs



Largest no. of Small Businesses



Subarea Total Jobs (2000) Jobs Trend Total Jobs (2017) 2017 - 2000 Change
Bethesda - Chevy Chase 40,020 49,066 9046
Silver Spring 30,585 28,890 -1695
International Corridor 7,725 8,438 713
University of Maryland 21796 23,684 1888
Riverdale - New Carrolton 24,745 24,769 24
Total Jobs Change 124871 121671 9976
Denotations: D1 - Year 2000, D2 - Year 2006 to 2010, D3 - Year 2009 to 2013, D4 - Year 2010 to 2014, D5 - Year 2011 to 2015, D6 - Year 2012 to 2016. If you hover over the sparkline for unemployment trend, you can see the value in each division. Unemployment Change column depicts change in population per division.