Labor Market in the Purple Line Corridor

Goal: Workers and employers in the corridor grow in number and are well matched in skill level and location.
  • Identify skills needed for future purple line corridor jobs and develop workforce training strategy
  • Enhance or launch workforce education, apprenticeship and training programs

Largest Change: Unemployment Rate

Silver Spring


Largest Change: Bachelor Degree Holders

Riverdale - New Carrolton


Highest Median Wage



Subarea Unemployment Rate (2000) Unemployment Trend Unemployment Rate (2016) Periodic Unemployment Change 2016 - 2000 Change
Bethesda - Chevy Chase 2.09% 2.51% 0.42%
Silver Spring 3.26% 6.43% 3.17%
International Corridor 6.14% 6.38% 0.24%
University of Maryland 7.02% 6.51% -0.51%
Riverdale - New Carrolton 7.10% 7.62% 0.52%
Total Unemployment Change 5.16% 5.89% 0.73%
Denotations: D1 - Year 2000, D2 - Year 2006 to 2010, D3 - Year 2009 to 2013, D4 - Year 2010 to 2014, D5 - Year 2011 to 2015, D6 - Year 2012 to 2016. If you hover over the sparkline for unemployment trend, you can see the value in each division. Unemployment Change column depicts change in population per division.